Ropes Bungee Single Trainer
Ropes Bungee Single Trainer is designed for individual strength and conditioning training. The product suits almost everyone, regardless of age or physical level. It gives you a full-fledged training session wherever you are.
Ropes Bungee Single Trainer will give you the most resistance where you are strongest and the least where you are weakest, thus giving you optimal resistance throughout the entire range of motion.
Ropes Bungee Single Trainer medium offers medium-hard resistance and is best suited for adults. For children and the elderly who want less resistance, the Ropes Bungee Active products are recommended. The product is delivered with a Doorbag. This is a strong nylon bag that can be used as a door anchor and makes it easy to train anywhere. Attach the bungee cord in the Doorbag, place it over the door leaf, close the door and start the training!
This is the perfect bungee cord for individual training of strength, resilience, balance, mobility, and motor skills! The Doorbag also makes it easy to pack away, store or bring the bungee cord at the gym, at the office, when travelling etc.
Feel free to attach the bungee cord to a hook, a post, a tree or similar, and have a nice training session outside. The set consists of a 170 cm bungee cord with handle, Doorbag for storage, and a carabiner.